Implementing an online module about interpreting sound in a coral reef for an undergraduate marine biology course in Indonesia
18 Jun 2024 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Rio Christy Handziko
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Students engage in interpreting sound, exploring the diversity of sounds in a coral reef in Indonesia, and relating coral reefs to climate change. This implementation incorporated principles of...
Virginia M Weis
A Potential Novel Ecosystem Service: Seagrass Meadows Reduce Disease in Nearby Corals
16 May 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By Madison E Hagen
In this lesson, students will receive an introduction to Poisson Generalized Linear Mixed Models in R utilizing data on coral diseases. In their code, students will assess if seagrass status has an...
Exploring global reef health and human population using correlation and simple linear regression
10 May 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):
By David Sale
Virginia Commonwealth University
In this lesson, students will explore the relationship between reef cover and human disturbance. Students will manipulate a large dataset and perform normality tests, data transformations,...
Ana María González
Hello!I am a coral biologist and an aspiring future faculty. I am excited to participate in the Biome Institute and learn from everybody! My hope is to become a better educator.
Elizabeth Hamman
I'm a quantitative population & community ecologist who mostly works in marine and aquatic systems, and started at St. Mary's College of Maryland as an assistant professor in the fall...
James Hewlett
Professor Hewlett is a Pre-med graduate of Bucknell University (B.S. in Biology) and the University of Connecticut (M.S. in Physiology/Marine Science). After graduating from the University of...