Tags: evolutionary biology

Teaching Materials (1-5 of 5)

  1. The Tactile Clade Race

    12 Dec 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Andrew Osborne Hasley1, J. Phil Gibson2, Kristin Jenkins3

    1. North Carolina State University Biotechnology Program 2. University of Oklahoma 3. BioQUEST

    This adaptation of the Vertebrate Clade Race provides a tactile approach to introduce basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. Using a Universal Design for Learning informed...


  2. Human Evolution for Secondary and College Students

    09 Sep 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Brandi Nicole Radebaugh

    This module is made up of four concepts. The goal of the first concept is to elicit an understanding of primate relatedness, phylogeny, and how specific characteristics are beneficial for life in...


  3. What’s the DEAL – The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life and Digital Atlas Apps

    10 Nov 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Jonathan Hendricks1, Bruce Lieberman2

    1. Paleontological Research Institution 2. The University of Kansas

    The Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life and Digital Atlas Apps -- identify fossils and explore diversity and history of life on earth.


  4. When did I lose my legs? A limbless lizard tale

    11 Sep 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Patrick Kelly

    Leesburg High School

    Using oVERT project models students examine examples of extant traditional lizards, snakes and limbless lizards and create phylogenies based on trait and genetic data.


  5. Vertebrate Clade Race

    11 Jun 2020 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By David Baum1, Kristin Jenkins2

    1. University of Wisconsin 2. BioQUEST

    This activity introduces basic tree reading skills for evolutionary phylogenies. It is designed as a short group activity. After completing this activity, students should be familiar with basic...
