Tags: forensic entomology

Resources (1-2 of 2)

  1. Applying phylogenetic tree building in MEGA X to forensic applications for identifying unknown specimens

    10 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nicholas Lorusso1, Maria Shumskaya2, Denise Gemmellaro2

    1. University of North Texas at Dallas 2. Kean University

    This exercise is designed to guide a learner through the construction of phylogenetic trees as a means of addressing research questions in forensic science such as the identification of previously...


  2. Applying phylogenetic tree building in MEGA X to forensic applications for identifying unknown specimens

    30 Aug 2021 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Nicholas Lorusso1, Denise Gemmellaro2

    1. University of North Texas at Dallas 2. Kean University

    This exercise is designed to guide a learner through the construction of phylogenetic trees as a means of addressing research questions in forensic science such as the identification of previously...
