Tags: RCN

Teaching Materials (1-2 of 2)

  1. 2015 Quantitative Biology Education Summit

    03 Jan 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Kristin Jenkins1, Sam S Donovan2, Tanya Dewey3, Tom Gower4, Drew LaMar5

    1. BioQUEST 2. University of Pittsburgh 3. Colorado State University and the Animal Diversity Web (animaldiversity.org) 4. North Carolina State University 5. College of William and Mary

    Abstract for a meeting, 2015 Quantitative Biology Education Summit.


  2. BioQUEST Partner Support Module: Exploring Community

    28 Feb 2022 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Hayley Orndorf1, Sam S Donovan2, Deborah Rook1

    1. BioQUEST 2. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium

    A four-week module for BioQUEST's Research Coordination Network partners on using BioQUEST's features, resources, and services to build a community that supports their project goals.
