Tags: tool:serenity

Resources (1-3 of 3)

  1. Serenity now! Keep calm and do science with real data in the classroom

    22 Mar 2019 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Drew LaMar1, Kristin Jenkins2, Nicole Chodkowski3

    1. College of William and Mary 2. BioQUEST 3. Radford University

    Presentation on a free web application currently under development on QUBES called Serenity at the 5th Life Discovery Conference


  2. Serenity now! Keep calm and do science with real data in the classroom

    20 Jun 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Drew LaMar1, Sam S Donovan2, Hayley Orndorf2

    1. College of William and Mary 2. University of Pittsburgh

    Session on using real data in the classroom with Serenity, a platform-independent browser-based interface to data science tools for the classroom.


  3. Serenity now! Keep calm and do science with real data in the classroom

    18 May 2018 | Teaching Materials | Contributor(s):

    By Drew LaMar

    College of William and Mary

    Session presented at NABT 2018 in San Diego, CA
