Wish List - Wish List: Wish #35

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Drew LaMar

Bibtex/Endnote buttons for manual citations

Automatic citations of Resources have a nice Bibtex/Endnote download link.  It would be nice if:  (1) manual citations have the same links, which would mean (2) maybe creating a plugin that formats entry fields for putting in manual citations during Resource contribution.  Putting the Manual, Auto, and "Manual and Auto" citation flags on the backend into the contribution process would work well with this.  "Auto" could be selected by default, and then if the user decides to enter a manual citation, they have the choice whether they want to include the Auto generated one as well (which points to the resource on the Hub).

Comments (1)

  1. Arietta Fleming-Davies

    This came up in a meeting on Faculty Mentoring Networks (with Alison Hale, Jeremy Wojdak and Sam Donovan), and we all agreed that some type of automatic formatting such as entry fields would make resource contribution much easier (and therefore help encourage submission of new resources).  An alternative solution we came up with was adding an example citation above the manual submission box to show the desired format.

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