B(ui)LDS: Biological, Universal, and Inclusive Learning in Data Science Community

and Inclusive Learning in Data Science


"About us"

  1. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    In our front page, we'd like to have an "about us" section.  Karen drafted something to start us off. Let's start the conversation!

    We are a community for the exchange of ideas and resources supporting biological and environmental data science education, grounded in practices of universal design for learning and inclusive pedagogy. As part of our commitment to accessible, affordable student-driven education that connects learners to a larger world outside of their classrooms, and inspires them to be transformative; we promote the creation and use of Open Educational Resources, and the incorporation of Open Pedagogy and Open Science into our teaching practices.

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  2. Elizabeth Sudduth

    Yay!  We exist!

    I think we may need to say more about inclusivity and how broadly we define it. I was looking at the EDSIN page to see if we have a statement about inclusivity there and couldn't find it quickly.

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  3. Amy Meeker-Taylor

    Elizabeth brings up a good point, maybe somewhere in the About Us section we should specify how we define things like inclusivity, open education, etc.  


    Actually, now that I    have navigated around a little bit, maybe those definitions belong in the Wiki? 

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  4. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    Hmm, if I remember from prior discussion, this statement could lead into a bigger About Us Page that could go into more depth defining terms? On Thu, Aug 1, 2019, 1:46 PM Amy Meeker-Taylor @ QUBES wrote: ---- Emailed forum response from mathprofcarrie@gmail.com

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