B(ui)LDS: Biological, Universal, and Inclusive Learning in Data Science Community

and Inclusive Learning in Data Science


Interesting new projects in CS Education

  1. Sam S Donovan

    Mark Guzdial runs an interesting CS education blog from which I pulled a few interesting, newly NSF funded projects that this group might be interested in.

    Computing in Undergraduate Education Workshop

    Three workshops to “spark a national dialogue about the role of computing in undergraduate education.” The workshops will likely be in Chicago, DC, and Denver. These workshops will hopefully inform the community and NSF as we develop programs like CUE.

    See the award abstract for more information https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1944777

    Data Science for All: Designing the Successful Inclusion of Data Science in High School Computer Science

    NY Hall of Science will hold a workshop exploring the potential for including authentic data science curricula and hands-on projects in high school CS courses.


    Women of Color in Tech


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  2. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    I have catching the tail end, of the monthly #CSforAll #ethicalCS chats on Twitter. I've really enjoyed them.  They have a website here: http://ethicalCS.org - some resources are there. But also in the chats, I've also seen a lot of other things really interesting and shared. Like trying to design a fair dorm room lottery system...

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