B(ui)LDS: Biological, Universal, and Inclusive Learning in Data Science Community

and Inclusive Learning in Data Science


Exploring collaborations

  1. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    I know that we are all thinking about 100 things at the end of the semester. But this holiday season, on my plate and Alycia's is to think about moving B(UI)LDS forward - what does the next generation of B(UI)LDS and its OEC Fellows devote its time to?

    For example, I am in the midst of exploring funding options to continue conversations. I hope that our current BUILDS Fellows will all stay in touch, and let me know if there is anything we can collaborate with you on (or if you'd like to do some grant writing with/for us for EDSIN and/or QUBES opportunities).

    Another opportunity could be to help lead a Fellows program next summer. To this end, we will work on evaluating this years program and working earlier to plan and advertise for next year (if we decide to continue).

    Just offering ways now, but feel free to reach out at any time!

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  2. Nate Emery

    Hi Carrie,

    I would love to continue collaborating. I was under the impression that's what the OEC Fellows "mini-grant" was intended to fund. Were the decisions on the proposals already made? I haven't heard anything to date. Ellen, Drew, have y'all heard anything about our proposal?



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  3. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    You guys are good to go as far as I know! I approved the project and I think Alycia is putting through the funding. Carrie On Tue, Nov 19, 2019, 2:55 PM Nate Emery @ QUBES wrote: ---- Emailed forum response from mathprofcarrie@gmail.com

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  4. Carrie Diaz Eaton

    Also, in terms of collaboration I was thinking about specifically NSF grants etc. So if BEDE needs a letter of support for a full RCN from EDSIN/BUILDS/QUBES let me know. I'm writing a meeting grant to have some convos between data science trainers and MSIs that I'm using BUILDS as the inspiration and foundation for (and thinking about it like a education wing of EDSIN). So I guess if anyone is interested in heavy lifting on that, I can add you to the team. :) On Tue, Nov 19, 2019, 2:55 PM Nate Emery @ QUBES wrote: ---- Emailed forum response from mathprofcarrie@gmail.com

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