Coral Bleaching
These resources guide students through understanding how temperature can cause coral bleaching and the physiological reaction that occurs between coral and symbiont, how satellite temperature data can be used to assess the threat of coral bleaching around the world, and current research to measure the capacity of corals to respond to increasing temperature
HHMI BioInteractive Coral Bleaching Resources:
Workshop Presentation Specific to Coral Bleaching Resources
Educator Publications of Modified Resources:
Many instructors modify and expand HHMI BioInteractive resources based on their course context and students, and QUBES offers a space to share these materials and teaching approaches. Some of these modifications were produced by participants in the 2016 HHMI/QUBES Faculty Mentoring Network.
Read how Kristine Grayson uses Coral Bleaching resources in her course on the BioInteractive Blog!
Coral Reefs in Hot Water
Version: 1.0.0 Adapted From: Mapping Coral Bleaching Modified with NOAA and Authentic Bleaching data v1.0.0
Redox Chemistry and Coral Bleaching
Version: 1.0.0 Adapted From: Coral Bleaching Mapping Activity v1.0
Mapping Coral Bleaching Modified with NOAA and Authentic Bleaching data
Version: 1.0.0 Adapted From: Coral Bleaching Mapping Activity v1.0