
"Data Manipulation" 5 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Data Processing with dplyr & tidyr, by Brad Boehmke

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Data Manipulation

Cheat Sheet: Data Wrangling with dplyr and tidyr

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Data Manipulation

Dataframe manipulation with tidyr

Learning objective:  To understand the concepts of ‘long’ and ‘wide’ data formats and be able to convert between them with tidyr.

Part of a software carpentry online course R for reproducible scientific analysis.

Dataframe manipulation with tidyr

R for reproducible scientific analysis

Software Carpentry


Gapminder dataset

Gapminder dataset (wide format)

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Data Manipulation

Dataframe manipulation with dplyr

Learning objective:  To be able to use the 6 main dataframe manipulation ‘verbs’ with pipes in dplyr.

Part of a software carpentry online course R for reproducible scientific analysis.

Dataframe manipulation with dplyr

R for reproducible scientific analysis

Software Carpentry


Gapminder dataset

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation in R with dplyr

In this interactive course from DataCamp, you will learn how to to perform sophisticated data manipulation tasks using dplyr. Master the five verbs of data manipulation, and complementing techniques to chain your operations, perform group-wise calculations and access data stored in a database outside R.


  • Introduction to dplyr and tbls
  • Select and mutate 
  • Filter and arrange 
  • Summarise and the pipe operator 
  • Group_by and working with databases 

Online course  DataCamp

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Profile picture of Drew LaMar

Drew LaMar onto Data Manipulation