
joined the project
posted version 1.0 of resource "Math Bench Probability and Statistics: Mice with Fangs - Intro to Punnett Squares"
uploaded intro mice with fangs.PNG in project files
started a new resource (id 744)
posted version 1.0 of resource "Linked Genes and Recombination: Advanced Punnett Squares"
uploaded linked genes.PNG in project files
started a new resource (id 743)
posted version 1.0 of resource "More Mice with Fangs: Intermediate Punnett Squares"
uploaded mice with fangs.PNG in project files
started a new resource (id 742)
posted version 1.0 of resource "Math Bench Probability and Statistics: Basic Rules of Probability"
uploaded law of or.PNG in project files
started a new resource (id 741)
posted version 1.0 of resource "Testing Goodness of Fit with the Chi-Square"
uploaded chi square image.PNG in project files
started a new resource (id 740)
started the project
changed the project settings
updated the project info