NeuroCaseNet Workshop January 2021
Session times: 11:30am – 12:45pm and 4-5pm EST
Zoom link for morning session:
At the end of the week NeuroCaseNet fellows will have:
- A strong draft of a case-related manuscript plus case narrative with implementation notes OR other case-related manuscript
- Development of a set of ‘critical friends’ for writing
- Ideas about how to spin-off from NCN into other grants or projects
- Attend all sessions
- All morning sessions will be recorded and the zoom and the chat will be made available
- Cameras on whenever possible. It is okay to eat/drink during our sessions.
- Hold yourself accountable for this time, especially the protected writing time in the afternoon
- There will be homework, e.g.readings or feedback, to prepare for the next session
Pre-workshop reading: read pages 50-62 from Healey et al. pdf (attached and in Qubeshub>NeuroCaseNet>Collections>Workshop Jan 2021). Come ready to discuss the following:
- What is your motivation for writing and have they shifted over time?
- What kind of approach or structure—following guiding questions or exploring through the writing itself—works best for you as a writing process?
- With respect to cases and your motivation for publishing, can you find two places to publish your case-related manuscript? JUNE and NCCSTS are likely options for us all, but let's push farther to explore options that reach other audiences
Day 1:
Morning session: 15 minute ice breaker
Morning discussion topic: Motivations and disincentives for writing about cases. Why write at all? What do you have to say? Who are you writing for?
Afternoon session: breakout session with your partner or group. Make a plan on how to share each other’s work and what specifically you want feedback on. Then write until 5pm EST, minimum. :-)
Homework: Read your partner’s draft and give written feedback
Read: Healey Chapter 8, pages 75 - 86
Day 2:
Morning session: 15 minute ice breaker
Morning discussion topic: Group writing projects - what could we write as a group or in partnership? Who would “we” write for and what are the needs for that community?
What are your experiences of and thoughts on collaborating versus writing solo?
Afternoon session: Spend some time with your partner/group reviewing comments, if needed. Use this time again to write until 5pm EST.
Homework: Post question about writing and publishing cases to be addressed on Wednesday (link to Google slide for adding the questions)
Day 3:
Morning session: 15 minute ice breaker
Morning discussion topic: synthesis of ideas and Q & A
Afternoon session: solo writing
Homework: Give feedback on your colleague’s writing;
Read: "Secrets to Writing a Winning Grant" Nature, December 20, 2019
Day 4:
Morning session: 15 minute ice breaker
Morning discussion topic: Presentation on pedagogy grants; SoTL projects, spin-off RCNs and other ideas (Pat)
Afternoon session: Spend some time discussing your partner’s feedback. Use the remaining time to either finalize your current writing project or hash out ideas for a group project, pedagogy grant, etc.
Day 5:
Morning session: 15 minute ice breaker
Morning discussion topic: Fellows report out – Has your case writing progressed to a publication stage? If not, how can we support you? Should we/can we hold you accountable? Are there other pedagogy projects emerging?
Happy hour and discussion of where NCN is going next. Our exciting plans include hosting travel to Fall 2021SFN conference and a whole NCN retreat in 2022.