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Learning Resource Incubators
Open Educational Resource
Creative Commons Licenses
How to Follow an Incubator
Launching an Incubator

Learning Resource Incubators

At their core the NIBLSE Incubators are opportunities to collaborate on learning resource development projects. The benefits of refining a learning resource in an Incubator include:

  1. The author of the original materials benefits from leading a collaborative project
  2. The learning resources themselves are reviewed, implemented, customized, annotated and otherwise made more rich and robust.
  3. Finally, the community benefits because the final products are shared publicly and accessible for further use and revision. 

Open Educational Resources

NIBLSE Incubators are Open Educational Resources. Products of Incubators are shared and available for modification and further development by others. 

"The worldwide OER movement is rooted in the human right to access high-quality education. The Open Education Movement is not just about cost savings and easy access to openly licensed content; it’s about participation and co-creation. Open Educational Resources (OER) offer opportunities for systemic change in teaching and learning content through engaging educators in new participatory processes and effective technologies for engaging with learning."

Learn more at the OER Commons website or on the page, OER Frequently Asked Questions for NIBLSE Incubators. 

Creative Commons Licenses

All NIBLSE Incubators are under Creative Commons licensing. The default license for Incubators is the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This license allows for sharing of adaptations of the work, as longs as all adaptations are shared alike. It also allows for commercial use of the work. For more information about licensing OER visit OER Frequently Asked Questions for NIBLSE Incubators or the Creative Commons website


How to Follow an Incubator

If you would like to receive updates about the progress of specific Incubators, you can enter your information in this form. You will receive email updates when a new version of the Incubator is published, when supplemental materials are developed, or when other notable developments are made.

You can also follow an Incubator from the Overview page of any live Incubator Group. Clicking "Follow this Incubator" (outlined in red below) in the navigational bar will take you to the form as well. 

View all the live and upcoming Incubators in the NIBLSE Learning Resource Collection


Launching an Incubator

After an author submits a learning resource, the resource is reviewed by the NIBLSE Resource Review Committee. If the resource is recommended for an Incubator, the author will be asked to answer the following questions. This information will be used to establish the Incubator.