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  1. Transitioning to Online Instruction Webinar

    Online with LSE featured a webinar about transitioning to online instruction. Attendees participated in a Q&A session with four faculty at different institutions who have experience with online courses and helping other instructors design courses that use online platforms. The main topics...

  2. SimBio Materials and Webinars!

    If you are in need of remote teaching tools due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SimBio is here to help! SimBio’s inquiry-driven virtual labs and interactive chapters cover topics in introductory biology, ecology, evolution, and cell biology, and use built-in tools to make it easy to set up,...

  3. Avida-ED as a potential online lab experience

      Dear BioQUEST Colleagues, One option to consider if you are moving a biology lab course to a virtual format is the use of Avida-ED. Avida-ED is an educational application developed at Michigan State University for undergraduate biology courses to help students learn about...