Coral Reefs in Hot Water (Version 1.0)
By Kaitlin Bonner
Module Description:
In this ~1.5 hour lab activity, students analyze sea surface temperature (SST) data from NOAA to predict coral bleaching at four locations in the Bahamas. They then compare their predictions to authentic research collected about coral mortality and temperature fluctuations. Students use Google Sheets to generate SST graphs, including degree heating weeks (DHW). Using Google Sheets enables students to see each others figures and answer leading questions at the end of the activity. The activity concludes with students making predictions of bleaching given their results for 2005 and comparing their predictions to observed bleaching by interpreting figures from Eakin et al. 2010.
Teaching Setting:
This module was designed for upper divisions biology majors in an Ecology course.
QUBES Citation:
Bonner, K. (2018). Coral Reefs in Hot Water. HHMI BioInteractive FMN (2017), QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4MM51