
posted version 2.0 of resource "Evaluating the potential for immune escape: how likely is an antibody to protect against a..."
uploaded Ab_binding_SARS-CoV-2-RBD.png in project files
uploaded Ab_binding_SARS-CoV-2-RBD.png in project files
uploaded Instructor notes- comments and suggestions for implementation.docx in project files
uploaded Instructions.docx in project files
uploaded Worksheet ANSWER KEY.docx in project files
joined the project
posted version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
reverted to draft status version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
posted version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
reverted to draft status version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
reverted to draft status version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
posted version 1.0 of resource "Using the IEDB to Predict Proteasomal Cleavage Events and T-cell Epitopes"
updated Figure Publication License.pdf in project files
uploaded Figure Publication License.pdf in project files
updated NetChop - QUBES Submission - Student.docx in project files
uploaded NetChop - QUBES Submission - Instructor Notes.docx and 2 more files in project files
started a new resource (id 3595)
changed the project settings
updated the project info
joined the project