
started a new resource (id 3447)
posted version 1.0 of resource "Evaluating the potential for immune escape: how likely is an antibody to protect against a..."
uploaded Instructor Guide Antibody protection against SARS-CoV-2.docx and 11 more files in project files
checked off a to do item
uploaded SARS_CoV-2_spike.png and 2 more files in project files
uploaded SARS_CoV-2_spike.png in project files
uploaded E484_alanine_replacement.png in project files

Hi everyone,

I've uploaded modified versions of the Instructor guide, part 4 NextStrain, and part 5.


uploaded Part_4 NextStrain.docx, Part_5 Predict effects of spike mutations.docx in project files
uploaded Instructor Guide Antibody protection against SARS-CoV-2.docx in project files

Thanks Erica!  I made all the changes you suggested and uploaded the updated files.  This is very helpful.


Hi Sandra and the team,

Let's see if this comment section works!  I finally had a chance to look at some of the files today.  I have only a few very minor comments on parts 4 and 5.  I haven't looked at parts 1-3 yet, but I…


Hi Sandra and the team,

Let's see if this comment section works!  I finally had a chance to look at some of the files today.  I have only a few very minor comments on parts 4 and 5.  I haven't looked at parts 1-3 yet, but I can go back over them next week.  (It is finals week this week).  

In part 4, by default, when someone copies/pastes from nextstrain into the data table, it is white on white text.  It isn't a big deal to change the font for the student, but I know I would get at least a few questions from students on that, so you *might* want a brief comment on that sheet to change the font color if necessary.  Otherwise, I have no other comments on part 4.  I did run into a problem finding the genbank sequence at first, but that was my own fault for clicking the GSAID data instead of open data on the first page (I guess I was too used to the old way!)

In part 5, there is a typo in the NCBI site.  It should be ; In part B #4, I found out that capitalization matters in the chain name.  Again, a minor picky thing but since it confused *me* at first, I am sure it might confuse my students, so a brief mention of typing it exactly, including proper capitalization matters.   In part C#6, I had to use the control key to select instead; I don't have a command key on my laptop though.  In part E I ran into a few issues until I realized that I had selected spike protein in the first box and antibody in the second instead of vice versa.  Again, that was my fault because I didn't read carefully enough, but maybe a brief mention or even just bolding "first box" and "second box" here could help.  

In the instructor guide, I would maybe add a sentence or two emphasizing that it is VERY important that students read and follow the directions slowly and carefully, and that capitalization matters.  If they run into trouble, they should back up a step and make sure the correct options are selected.  

That was all of my comments, again, thanks for working on all of this and sharing it with us!



    Sandra Porter

    Thanks Erica!  I made all the changes you suggested and uploaded the updated files.  This is very helpful.


Hey team,

I have everything ready for testing. 

1. Start out by reading the Instructor Guide.

2. You may decide to jump right into the main research project. If so, go straight to part 4 and follow the directions for parts 4 and…


Hey team,

I have everything ready for testing. 

1. Start out by reading the Instructor Guide.

2. You may decide to jump right into the main research project. If so, go straight to part 4 and follow the directions for parts 4 and 5.  Each part has an accompanying data sheet where you can record your results.  This is what we would grade.

3.  You may also prefer to work on the optional parts first (1-3).  Those also have data sheets and part 2 has a more research component where students can find their own neutralizing antibodies that are bound to the spike protein.

Let me know what you think!