NSITE Second Meeting Goals & Outcomes
Network Meeting goal: Clarify network mission, strengthen network identify and bonds, and work toward common goals.
Network Meeting outcomes - Participants will:
Strengthen bonds in the network toward building a community of leaders across STEM change organizations.
Work on identified challenges to make progress toward goals and plans for continuing the work in the coming year.
Working Group sessions:
Group work 1: Develop searchable membership database
Goal: create a searchable cross-listed database of our collective attendees
Pre-meeting homework - find out what your privacy rules are for your organizations to know if you can take part in this or not
Determine a mechanism for building the database (Michelle consulted with Jon Waterhouse, IT/database guru for SIs
Brainstorm a list of identifiers - STEM organization affiliations, institution...
Identify a location for the database (QUBES - is one option, but working group will determine if this is the best place given privacy rules of organizations)
Brainstorm a list of uses for database
Form an oversight committee to lead this effort in coming year
Develop a plan for carrying out work during the coming year
Group work 2: Diversify participant pool
Goal: Increase participation in our programs by URMs and faculty from CCs and undersourced institutions.
Pre-meeting homework
Determine barriers to participation for various groups
Annotated bibliography on literature behind this - what’s already known about barriers and successful solutions
Fishbone diagram for causal analysis
Brainstorm a potential supports to overcome those barriers
Develop an action steps to address barriers or disseminate supports
Driver diagram
Form an oversight committee to lead this effort in coming year
Develop a plan for carrying out work during the coming year
Working group 3: Visiting one another’s events
Goal: facilitate visits to one another’s events and development of advertising recruitment materials that can be shared with participants at events
Pre-meeting homework
1-page flier, 1 slide
Think about how something like this could be integrated into each orgs events, e.g.. session, poster, slide, handout...
Determine who wants to attend what/when
Google doc to capture information easily
Brainstorm strategies for facilitating attendance at one another’s events
Discuss funding options for supporting travel
What about dealing with time constraints
Joint events
Develop shareable products/resources for each other to use as advertisement/recruitment 1-minute video, poster…
Identify strategies/venue for sharing the resources
Identify benefits of attendance at one another’s events
Develop deeper knowledge of one another’s programs to better inform the following:
advertisement/recruitment/advocacy for each other
coordination/collaboration efforts
changes/improvements to our own programs (ideas)
dealing with common challenges
Query participants for reasons that they attend workshops to better understand how/why to incentivize or support attending others
Possibly a survey on why people participant in PD that we could all use -
Check out the Kezar report - why do people join/stay with organizations
What is already known?
At the end of this is interview quotes about incentives and barriers for CC faculty to participating in PD
A common bibliography of articles on this aspect of PD/FD
Form an oversight committee to lead this effort in coming year
Develop plan for carrying out work during the coming year
Group work 4: Share resources/strategies
Goal: Share successful resources and strategies that will help us do our jobs more effectively and better serve and support our participants.
Pre-meeting homework
Send an email asking participants for supports that they would like to have
Brainstorm a list of resources that would benefit our alumni as they attempt to implement approaches/strategies gained through our programs
Determine a strategy for crowdsourcing our organizations to distribute the work for developing resources that don’t already exist
Identify available resources, for example:
Noah Finkelstein's seminar on how we evaluate teaching: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10MELG8t5xRSBkGFGq3Dh9Pnwadre02O9/view?usp=sharing
Teaching Quality Framework https://www.colorado.edu/teaching-quality-framework/tools-for-teaching-evaluation
Suggested model resource - Evidence based teaching guide on inclusive teaching - https://lse.ascb.org/evidence-based-teaching-guides/inclusive-teaching/?_ga=2.28449594.781361314.1581605057-252472871.1551191766
What else have people read about student resistance to active learning beyond this paper? https://stemeducationjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40594-018-0102-y
The one that comes to mind is: Research and Teaching 2018 Vol 47 No 5-paper with Charles Henderson that looks at explanation vs. facilitation in active learning classrooms and student perceptions of effectiveness
Determine a mechanism for making these resources known and available to our alumni
Form an oversight committee to lead this effort in coming year
Develop plan for carrying out work during the coming year