Neighborhood Fences and Gates
By Ricardo Cortez, Cynthia Anhalt, Susan Staats, and Marta Civil
Module Description:
Using knowledge of functions and the properties of their graphs, students have an opportunity to propose functions, including an appropriate domain, that meet conditions that are inferred from the photographs of fences and gates in their neighborhood. This is a competency that is necessary in mathematical modeling when we select functions to fit data, for example. The activity has a cultural aspect by promoting a discussion of the purpose for having gates or fences in our homes.
Teaching Setting:
This classroom modeling project is suitable for high school or undergraduate students who have taken Algebra as a prerequisite.
Full Citation:
Cortez, R., Anhalt, C., Staats, S., Civil, M. (2018). Neighborhood Fences and Gates. Math Modeling Hub, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4699Q