Call for Proposals
Chapter proposal Info Resource proposal Info
"Book" Overview
Title: Pathways for Accelerating Change in Social Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEMM Curricula
Audience: The Open Education Resource "book" will aim to provide change agents, faculty, and faculty development practitioners with resources to address social justice issues in STEM by providing advice and examples of successful practice.
Book Overview: The book will define terms, justify the need for change, and then proceed to practical knowledge for faculty including what self-reflection they need to do before embarking on this work, what they need to know and think about for their students, brief introductions to Universal Design for Learning, Principles of Inclusive Teaching and departmental and institutional supports and barriers. This book will bring together literature, advice on how to start with individual reflection and practice, identify multiple ways to engage students, multiple means of representing scientists and student learning, and provide ways of action and expression using UDL principles and other strategies that can promote equitable and inclusive outcomes and learning environments.
This "book" will be an evolving document. As an open education resource, we imagine that all chapters and resources will mutate over time as new issues emerge.
We are particularly interested in examples of existing materials and ideas for new materials from allied health, biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental sciences, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics and other disciplines. Topics and materials can include health disparities, Environmental issues, Education on impact of political practices like redlining, impact of racism in science (Tuskegee, genetics, location of chemical plants etc.), impact of pollution, the physics involved in renewable energy technologies, or the physics behind a recent natural disaster, climate justice, especially international implications
We are also interested in contributions that summarize why this work is important.
Propose a Book Chapter
Submit your chapter proposal in the Forum
We will use the initial chapter proposals to identify groups who might co-write chapters.
When you submit an abstract for a chapter please include the following information.
- Chapter topic
- Potential authors
- Brief description of content (500 words)
- Some potential literature sources
- Why is this important to the overall book (circa 200 words)
You may wish to think about:
- What question or idea is the main driver of this chapter?
- How can you keep your reader engaged as you share what you know?
- How do you want to end the chapter?
- What do you want your reader to gain by reading this chapter?
We are also interested in contributions that summarize why this work is important.
- Why now
- Challenges and opportunities
- What do faculty need to think about as they consider SJEDI for class
- Self-work Centering your identity: Historical understanding of system issues - racism, patriarchal and white-centered education system (decolonization); provide examples of types of articles/readings (i.e. Friere, bell hooks, etc.) Equity tools
- Identify student needs and aspirations
- Inclusive teaching
- Kindness
- Access (and UDL)
- Building science identity
- Tools for teaching difficult and potentially controversial topics
- Case studies: Lessons learned and strategies proven effective
- People can also propose other topics for chapters or resources
- We think a chapter of current examples from each field is a good idea
In general chapters should follow the suggestions incorporated into CBE-LSE guidelines for authors
In particular pay attention to References see excerpt below
Notes from CBE on high quality art, figures and tables might also be helpful.
Acknowledgments. Identify financial sources and other sources of support for the research being reported in the manuscript.
References. Place the reference list immediately following the manuscript text (beginning on a new page). LSE makes use of reference and citation formats stipulated by the most recent version of the American Psychological Society (“APA format”). Only published articles or manuscripts accepted for publication can be listed in the Reference section. Most reference management software (e.g., EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.) have a setting for APA format. APA format should be used for the references and citations only; APA format for the entire paper is not necessary or desirable. Unpublished results, including personal communications and submitted manuscripts, should be cited as such in the text. Personal communications must be accompanied by permission letters unless they are from the authors’ own work.
Example citations:
Journal article with two authors: Seidel, S. B., & Tanner, K. D. (2013). “What if students revolt?”—considering student resistance: origins, options, and opportunities for investigation. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 12(4), 586-595.
Journal article with more than six authors (list first six authors and last author): Leung, W., Shaffer, C. D., Reed, L. K., Smith, S. T., Barshop, W., Dirkes, W., … & Yuan, H. (2015). Drosophila Muller F elements maintain a distinct set of genomic properties over 40 million years of evolution. G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics, 5(5), 719-740.
Book: Singer, S. R., Nielsen, N. R., & Schweingruber, H. A. (2012). Discipline based education research. Washington, DC: The National Academies.
Chapter in edited volume: Lederman, N. G., Bartos, S. A., & Lederman, J. S. (2014). The development, use, and interpretation of nature of science assessments. In Matthews, M. R. (Ed.), International handbook of research in history, philosophy and science teaching (pp. 971-997). Netherlands: Springer.
Website: Genetic Science Learning Center. (2015, January 7) Learn.Genetics. Retrieved December 17, 2016, from
Conference paper: Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Famiano, M. (2007, January). Diffusion of educational innovations via co-teaching. In 2006 Physics education research conference (Vol. 883, pp. 117-120).
Footnotes. Call out footnotes at the appropriate place in the text with a superscript numeral. The footnote text should be placed on a separate page after the References.
Figures. All figures should be uploaded as individual files. In addition to placing in text.
Figure Legends. Figure legends should provide an overview of the figure and details that describe any component parts.
Tables. All tables must be cited in order in the text of the manuscript. individual table files need to be uploaded separately.
Supplemental Material. Upload all supplemental material (except in the case of videos) can be submitted.
Submit your chapter proposal in the Forum
Submit an existing resource
We are interested in collecting examples of mature classroom resources that may inform the book development and also provide concrete examples for readers.
Please include:
- Description of resource
- Link to resource
- Why is this a good fit
- Same advice different forum link
- Please add learning outcomes and discipline
You can also submit suggestions for papers that should be part of our collections.
We are also interested in suggestions for topics to address in the ASCN DEI in STEMM Blog.