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Proposals and Discussions
1968 Backgrounders to support issues Let's post some ideas and examples for backgrounders to support specific issues such as: redlining impacts of atomic tests water pollution water treatment air pollution lead contamination asbesos eugenics etc 2 Discussions 2 Posts
1948 Blog posts or Ideas for blog posts Share your blog post ideas here. 3 Discussions 3 Posts
1944 Chapter Proposals Do you have an idea for a chapter? Submit it here. 2 Discussions 4 Posts
1945 Curriculum Resources Share example curriculum resources here. 3 Discussions 3 Posts
1947 Ideas About Social Justice and Medicine Post your potential ideas for teaching about social justice issues as it related to medicine here 9 Discussions 9 Posts
1958 Introductions Please introduce yourself here. We'd love to know about your interests and what chapters or resources you might contribute to. Please also let us know what you'd like to discuss in our forums. Thanks Pat 5 Discussions 13 Posts
1946 NYT opinion article about the influence of ideology in science Discussion of, "A Paper That Says Science Should Be Impartial Was Rejected by Major Journals. You Can’t Make This Up" from the NYT. You must be logged in as a group member to see and contribute to this discussion.  0 Discussions 0 Posts
1981 Organization and Structure for Chapters We will post suggested structures, meeting times and organization ideas for book and collections here 4 Discussions 4 Posts
1959 Readings? Please post anything you think we might want to read and discuss here. 12 Discussions 13 Posts
1940 Submit an abstract for a chapter Please submit your abstarct by posting here Topic Potential authors Brief description of content (500 words) Some potential literature sources Why is this important to the overall book (circa 200 words) 4 Discussions 12 Posts
1967 Tags begiinning list for resources and chapters A group this fall will define terms for tags for chapters and resources. A beginning list is the firt post. 1 Discussions 1 Posts
1952 Teaching Controversial Topics Please post ideas in this discussion space about what resources faculty need to teach controversial or difficult topics 0 Discussions 0 Posts
2183 What shall we call our Group and our project Our focus on creating an open education resource with collections of materials, chapters, backgroud on issues remains the same, but several of us have suggested that Blueprint is too deterministic. Put your ideas here!! 1 Discussions 3 Posts
RIOS grant
2190 Faculty Resource Guide and Grant planning ur grant from RIOS funds the further development of the faculty reource guide and a few chapters for the book. Our deadline for draft chapters and draft Resource Guide is May 20. Please let us know if you have questions or comments. We propose to put some drafts for comment this week. 1. First draft of the Faculty Resources Guide for Teaching Controversial Issues in STEM As part of the open education resource on Social Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we are creating a resource guide for faculty that summarizes the current literature on how to prepare to teach controversial DEI and Social Justice issues. The group (Kristen Butela, Jen Bunz, Shuchismita Dutta, Melissa Haswell, Sharon Homer Drummond, Pat Marsteller, Sondra LoRe, Melanie Lanahan, Heather Rissler) has been meeting biweekly in Fall 2023 to gather materials and begin the process. The faculty resource guide assembled by this group will be available as an OER and will contain materials that faculty need to think about as they consider SJEDI for classes, such as: Glossary of terms that relate to SJEDI Self-work Centering your identity: Historical understanding of system issues - racism, patriarchal and white-centered education system (decolonization); Identifying student needs and aspirations Syllabi statements Setting learning outcomes for SJEDI Inclusive teaching strategies Class rules and compacts for discussion Tools for teaching difficult and potentially controversial topics Case studies and examples of how we or others have used the resources for self reflection, identifying student needs and goals, and examples from syllabi. Each section will be short, with stories about how to use the resources described.Hopeto hear from you all. Peace Pat 0 Discussions 0 Posts