CC Bio INSITES statement of solidarity with the Black Community

We, as educators and researchers, but most importantly simply as people, stand in solidarity with the Black community against the injustice, racism, fear, pain, and grief that surround us. Our mission is built around overtly inclusive and anti-racist goals - to create opportunity and space for the previously unheard voices of community college faculty and students to not only be present, but prominent in the Biology Education Research community. Recent tragic injustices have demonstrated that we must not only strengthen our efforts to achieve this goal, but also take deliberate action in support of our students and colleagues who are hurting because of the senseless acts of violence against Black Americans and whose voices have so often been silenced. We must, with renewed vigor, ensure that racial justice is centered in our meetings, research, and presentations. We believe in the strength of our community to accomplish these goals 


We are proud to highlight the following recent examples of relevant articles authored by members of the CC Bio INSITES community:

David Asai: Race Matters

Colin Harrison and Kimberly Tanner: Microaggressions in Science

Mays Imad: Helping Students in Times of Trauma


The website of our partner, the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) includes numerous other helpful resources for exploring and taking action around racial equity.