Logo text: 8th Life Discover - Doing Science Biology Education Conference -- Variants in Biology Education: What Can we learn from pandemics? Tallahasse, FL, March 23-25, 2023

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LDC 2023 Materials Shared by Participants


Turning ecological research into engaging online modules for undergraduates through Gala/OCELOTS

Ann E Russell, Charles Willis, Christopher Beck, Suzanne Macey

Version: 2.0

Learn how to create and implement online modules in tropical ecology for undergraduates. In an NSF-funded network, researchers and specialists in 4DEE, pedagogy, interactive data tools, and media create research-based modules on open-access Gala.
tropical biology, OCELOTS, LDC2023
Using a multimodal approach, the non-linear aspect of the surface area to volume relationship is explored. Students use their their senses of taste and sight to determine how smaller cells and larger cells differ. Quantitative examples are explored. Concepts of structure and function Examples along the biological hierarchy are provided.
active learning, introductory biology, cell biology, quantitative skills, kinesthetic learning, LDC2023

Uncovering Hidden Figures of Natural History Collections Using Digital Data Sleuthing & Storytelling

Molly Allison Phillips, Olubunmi Aina, Adania Flemming, Shawn Elizabeth Zeringue-Krosnick, Jennifer Kovacs, Siobhan Leachman, Makenzie E. Mabry

Version: 1.0

In this presentation we will introduce a series of modules meant to train the next generation of scientists to be data sleuths and storytellers, engaging learners in authentic research experiences within a social justice framework using open tools and resources.
natural history museums, social justice, digitized natural history collections, LDC2023, hidden figures
2023 Conference Theme - Variants in Biology Education: What can we learn from pandemics?