

In general, we find that students tend to confuse parameter in an everyday sense (boundary, defining a system) with bias in a strict statistical sense (summary of the population with respect to a random variable). Research shows that this confusion is very frequently not resolved even after a student has completed an introductory course.

Student Notions

When presented with a prompt such as: "Write a sentence using the word parameter, then give the definition of parameter as you used it in the sentence", student responses have been summarized into the following categories (in this case, categories are exclusive):

  • Statistical Notions
    • Numerical characteristic of a population or distribution
    • Defined using examples of a specific parameter (i.e., mean of the population)
    • An incorrect definition based on statistical terminology
    • Defining "the population" rather than the random variable summary

  • Colloquial Notions
    • Limit, boundary, rule
    • Characteristic element or condition
    • Defining "perimeter"


The following HILT activities have been designed to address student misconceptions regarding "Parameter" and have research that suggests they improve student learning:

AllvsSmallLink.png CandyJarLink.png
All vs. Small Candy Jar