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The Math Modeling Hub: a New Online Community of Practice for Educators

Author(s): Jason Douma

University of Sioux Falls

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Talk given as a part of the Symposium - Communities of Practice for Math Modeling Education at the SIAM 2018 Conference

Licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International according to these terms

Version 1.0 - published on 28 Aug 2018 doi:10.25334/Q4QF0B - cite this


The Math Modeling Hub (MMHub) serves as a repository of information related to mathematical modeling education. Resources supported by the MMHub include materials for classroom use, professional development for people who are new to math modeling, and “sandbox" areas where educators can collaboratively develop, edit, and test instructional materials. The MMHub also promotes and sustains a community of practice by hosting forums and online subgroups (such as mentoring networks) and facilitating communication among members about events outside the hub. The MMHub allows for extensive and varied levels of discussion and collaboration, and helps connect people beyond the barriers of geographical distance. This summer marks the initial public rollout of the MMHub; everyone with an interest in math modeling education, from experts to novices, is welcome to join the community. This presentation will introduce the audience to the purpose, features, early activity, and future plans for the new Math Modeling Hub.

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