
QB@CC Video (2022)

  1. Jillian Marie Miller

    Hey Everybody! 

    The 2022 Stem for All Video Showcase is just around the corner! Last year's STEM for All video was viewed over 1000 times and generated fabulous discussion!  We are, once again, applying to participate in the showcase, and we need your help! There are multiple ways to contribute including:

    * Creative Director(s) (Create the vision for the video and help guide the team to production.)

    * Sound Director(s) (Help choose the soundtrack and edit the audio!)

    * Production & Editing Team (Help guide the team to production.)

    * Editing Team (Edit video segments and piece the video together.)

    * Marketing Team (Promote the STEM for All Video Showcase and the QB@CC video, in particular, through email and social media.)

    * QB@CC Liaison (Generate discussion in our chat and share information about QB@CC in others' chats.)

    * And more!

    If you are interested, please email Jillian Miller at We look forward to working with you!

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