
"Ecology Resources" 17 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Fantastic Birds and Where to Find Them

5E lesson plan for middle/high school aligned to NGSS standards.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources


Dendroclimatologists can reconstruct climate records further into the past than written records, by examining tree rings. Students "reverse-engineer" this process by considering growth rates of a tree species in response to various...

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Leaf cutter ant foraging

This module introduces students to leaf-cutter ants in the rainforests of Panama. Students derive their own research hypotheses regarding ant foraging or allometric scaling relationships.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Phenotypic plasticity and predation

Students predict changes to tadpole morphology and coloration after considering characteristics of the predator species and the prey themselves then test their own hypotheses (typically with t-tests or ANOVA) by collecting novel data via image...

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

The Effect of Climate Change on Butterfly Phenology

In this module, students explore changes in butterfly phenology through the use of natural history collections data. The resource I have modified is a pptx presentation to introduce the background and an updated student pre-lab assignment.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources


This module explores the effects of host density on contact rates and transmission of pathogens or mutualist symbionts using a hands-on simulation, a computer agent-based model in NetLogo, and an authentic ecological dataset.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Investigating Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Ecologies Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (Abstract) | TIEE

Identifying, mapping and understanding the magnitude and the spatial prevalence of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea diseases. Analyzing the spatial trends of the disease patterns at National, State and...

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Demography from physical cemeteries, "virtual cemeteries," and census data

Laboratory experiment included in Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE) Volume 8

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Investigating the Ecology of Mosquitoes and Birds in Hawaii

Examining biotic and abiotic environmental factors explain the historic, present, and future prevalence and range of avian malaria in Hawaii. The activity also asks how this affects local endangered bird populations.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Globally endangered sea turtles of the Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge: A Focus on Scientific Analysis

in this exercise students will make suggestions for designing a comprehensive research program, use survey data, critically analyze results, and devise methods for study.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Testing hypotheses about the role of wildfire in structuring avian communities

This module assesses the role of wildfire in the eastern US and its impact on bird communities using NEON bird survey data from pre- and post- a major wildfire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) in November 2016.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Mosquito Vector Ecology of the East Coast using NEON

This data module examines the relationship between mosquito vector ecology and climate across the east coast of the United States. The module is designed to merge core concepts in ecology with budding interests of the largely pre-heath student body.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

NMDS to Study Dead Wood Fungi Communities in Parks of New Jersey

Students use dead wood (saproxylic) fungi occurrence data from New Jersey, USA collected by students and faculty of Kean University to learn the basics of community ecology. Simple NMDS ordination and Jaccard index is performed using R.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Malawian Aquaculture Pond Ecosystem Challenge

This case study challenges students to design a pond that will provide supplemental food security to a rural Malawian village. In the process they apply concepts of primary and secondary production, trophic efficiency, trophic levels and sustainability.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Competition under the Sea: Exploring the competitive interaction between native and non-native seagrasses in the Caribbean

A mini-case study that uses real-world data to explore the competitive interaction among seagrasses.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

How Many Salamanders are in the forest? Testing capture-recapture

Collecting data on how populations respond to environmental change requires accurate estimates of population sizes. This activity explores one method for estimating population sizes across three different localities.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources

Striped Bass: A Regulatory Success Story

This module examines the Maryland striped bass moratorium (1985-1989) as a fisheries management success story. Maryland DNR striped bass young of the year data is utilized for least squares linear regression analysis.

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Profile picture of Olivia Jenkins

Olivia Jenkins onto Ecology Resources