
Elizabeth H Schultheis

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    Michigan State University, Data Nuggets
  • Employment Status
    (not set)
  • Website
    (not set)
  • Address
    (not set)
  • Biography

    I am a postdoctoral researcher working on Data Nuggets, an innovative approach to bring authentic, cutting edge research and data into the classroom. Data Nuggets reveal to students how the process of science really works and increase the connections between scientists and the public. Our research will help to determine whether these activities can increase the mathematical skills of students and their ability to think scientifically and support claims using data. I completed my PhD in Plant Biology and EEBB at the Kellogg Biological Station as a member of Jennifer Lau’s Lab. My dissertation research focused on the role of biotic interactions during invasion and how release from enemies could drive the success of invasive plants.