REMNet grew out of a project called the Authentic Research Experience in Microbiology (AREM) which is a modular approach to integrating genomics research into the general biology or microbiology curriculum. AREM investigates the microbiome of New York City across its boroughs, its streets and parks and across time. AREM is the first large scale genomics approach to understanding the makeup of microbial communities in the urban environment.

AREM was first started in Brooklyn College, which is part of the City of University of New York (CUNY), before expanding across the CUNY system and a few non-CUNY colleges. 


QUBES Project

The mission of the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project is to improve learning opportunities for all students enrolled in undergraduate biology courses by reflecting the centrality of quantitative approaches in modern biology [more info about QUBES]. One of the ways that QUBES promotes quantitative approaches is by partnering with existing projects and communities to facilitate the discovery and use of their materials [more info about partner projects].