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REMNet will be at BIOQUEST!

We will be having sessions at this year's BIOME meeting July 31st and August 13th!

Please, click the link below to read more about BIOME's workshops.

Reduced DNA Sequencing Costs!


Hello REMNet community.

We are writing with some exciting news – Wright Labs, of Huntingdon PA, is offering Illumina 16S sequencing for $50/sample to REMNet community members!!! This is a significant savings over the typical costs for sequencing and it should make it easier for you to undertake microbiome research projects with your undergraduate students. We encourage you to develop your microbiome CUREs now, work with REMNet to get any training or expertise you need, and take advantage of this reduced pricing from Wright Labs to bring microbiome data into your courses.



Contact Information:

For submissions please email Dr. Regina Lamendella (co-founder of Wright Labs LLC) at

Click here for Wright Labs shipping guidelines and click here for submission sheet guidelines.


Contact us if you have questions or need help in developing your research projects. Below we have listed answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQs).




Q - How soon will my DNA sequencing data be ready?

A – Typically data will be available within 4 weeks. Expedited sequencing runs are possible for an additional fee of $450 per run.


Q – When can I submit my samples?

A – There are no set dates for sample submissions and Wright Labs will take samples on a “rolling submissions” schedule.


Q – How much data will I receive for each sample?

A – Generally each sample will be sequenced to a depth of 20,000 reads, and read lengths will be 250 bp (paired end chemistry) Illumina Miseq V2 500 cycle chemistry covering the V4 region of the 16S gene (most recent EMP 515F/806R primers from Walters et al. 2016)


Q – How many samples can I submit?

A – There is no capacity limit, Wright Labs will accept any sample amount.


Q – What type of samples can I submit?

A – Purified DNA (from Qiagen PowerSoil kits, or similar purification methods) should be submitted for the $50/sample pricing. Raw samples (swabs, soil, etc.) may be submitted but there will be an additional DNA extraction fee. Contact Wright Labs for details if you intend to submit bar-coded amplicons for sequencing as these may require an additional processing cost.


Q – What quantity and quality DNA is required for 16S DNA sequencing?

A – Typically minimum of 1 nanogram/ul (minimum volume of 20 uL per sample) and OD 260/280 ratio 1.8 are ideal.


Q – What format will my data come in?

A – Each sample will be provided with a taxa summary sheet (Excel, csv, etc.) and the raw data files. Additional bioinformatic analyses (alpha and beta diversity, ADONIS, ANCOM, Lefse Analysis (differential taxa)) are available from Wright Labs for ~$500 per project. Additional machine learning, network modeling analyses, grant or report writing can also be quoted based on an hourly consulting rate of 150$/hour) .


Q – Are there options other than standard targeted gene (16S, ITS, etc.) sequencing?

A – Yes. Wright Labs offers 18S rRNA gene and ITS sequencing as well as custom amplicon targets (please inquire within for prices).  Shallow Metagenomics (2 million reads/sample) 199$/sample (library prep included), Deep Metagenomics (>10 million reads/sample) 500$/sample (library prep included), and Shotgun Metatranscriptomics (>10 million reads per sample) 750$/sample (library prep included).

Hello everyone!

It is a pleasure to announce that we have uploaded video tutorials based on the AREM project on how you can conduct microbiology research with your students! You can find them under "REMNet Tutorials" :)

If you have any questions or concerns, let us know!  

REMNet will be at ABRCMS 2019!


If you are interested in attending ABRCMS 2019 and our developmental meeting, consider applying for financial support to defray costs associated with registration. Applications will close October 7th at 11:59 PM EST!

REMNet will be at ASMCUE 2019!

If you are interested in attending ASMCUE 2019 and our organizational meeting, consider applying for financial support hereApplications will be accepted on a rolling basis.