Diversity Equity & Inclusion: Field Safety


The SPARCnet seeks to support mentorship and professional development in field sciences. Toward these goals, we produced a field safety communication tool with examples from SPARCnet cover board survey protocols from two of our sites in Pennsylvania. We provide this resource, in addition to templates and other supporting resources to assist other groups in making their own.


These resources are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, which means that you are free to use and adapt these materials in your classroom and field teams. As these resources are implemented more broadly, we hope that you will provide feedback if you choose to adapt RTK documents into your lab culture. Please contact Maisie MacKnight (mgm5568@psu.edu) if you are interested in publishing a new or updated teaching resource.


This module discusses mental and physical aspects of field safety. The module contains resources for supporting students and technicians in the field and guides supervisors as they write their own Right to Know document.
ecology, dei, diversity equity and inclusion, field work, field safety