Thomas Merritt

Laurentian University

Course Editors


Science Process Skills
Introductory Biology

Editor Degrees

  • Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina
  • M.S. from Oregon State University

About Teaching and CourseSource

I am a biologist dedicated to bringing current research into the classroom. A Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, I am a past Canada Research Chair in Genomics and Bioinformatics. I strongly believe that one of the most important lessons we can teach all students is that science is an ongoing process. One of the best ways to teach this, is to engage students through hands-on experiments developed in our own laboratories. Besides, you’re never too young to learn that most experiments don’t work the first time. Or the second.

I also feel that it is important that we engage a diversity of students in science and research by exploring novel and interesting ways to present and explain scientific concepts. I enjoy popular science communication and one of my pieces, on killing fruit flies in our kitchens and their utility in the lab, was the inspiration of my first contribution to CourseSource. Students can develop their own style of fly trap – and learn how to design experiments and analyze their own data.