Benjamin Martin

Stony Brook University

Course Editors


Science Process Skills

Editor Degrees

  • B.A., Bowdoin College
  • Ph.D.,University of California Berkeley 

About Teaching and CourseSource

The developmental biology course I took as an undergraduate student was largely responsible for the fact that I am now a developmental biologist. I think about this often, and it makes me deeply appreciative of the effect that good teaching can have on students. Over the course of my career I have had the opportunity to teach in a number of different subject areas in a variety of settings. These courses range from a small biochemistry laboratory class to large cell biology and developmental biology lecture classes. While the majority of my teaching occurs in the university classroom setting, I am always looking for opportunities to promote scientific education within the public realm. Past experiences include volunteer teaching at the San Quentin State Penitentiary and at a grade school outreach program.

I am truly excited to be a part of the CourseSource editorial team. As a National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences, I am involved in the transformation of science education to a more evidence-based model. CourseSource provides a wonderful resource to allow faculty to incorporate peer reviewed active and evidence-based learning modules into their courses. I look forward to working with you in our mutual goal of improving science education.