HHMI BioInteractive Educator Publications

The educational resources provided by HHMI BioInteractive provide a wide range of media and activities that have been used in a variety of classrooms. In addition to using the available materials as presented, many educators make adjustments to the resources to scaffold to the particular level of their classroom or make additions or extensions.

These adapted resources represent a large investment by the faculty developers and are highly valuable to the teaching community. In partnering with QUBES, HHMI BioInteractive is piloting this portal as a means for publishing these resources and sharing them with the wider educational community.

Many of these initial adaptations are the products from Faculty Mentoring Networks, where small groups of educators meet virtually to implement and adapt resources for their classrooms.

Resource adaptations are currently available in the following topics:

Spreadsheet Tutorials

Data analysis and Excel skills

Classroom Data Sets with Visualization and Analysis

Mapping sea surface temperature and understanding future risks

 Understanding factors that contribute to the risks of developing cancer 

Adaptive radiation and convergent traits across the evolutionary history of Caribbean populations

Four decades of research on finch species that live only on the Galápagos Islands

Principles that control the regulation of biological systems across scales

Managing animal populations under threat from poaching

Studying the structure and function of organisms

Natural selection in humans in response to an infectious disease

Genetic changes in human populations that determine the ability to digest starch and dairy


We are currently midway through the process of publishing resources from the current Faculty Mentoring Network and updating the display for resources submitted last year. Check back soon for new materials! Some resources can still be found posted in the Collections Area

To learn more about teaching quantitative skills with HHMI resources, please visit our workshop page.

Interested in submitting an adapted resource for publication? Please contact Kristine Grayson.