High-throughput Discovery Science & Inquiry-based Case Studies for Today's Students (HITS) network


For modern life science researchers, high-throughput approaches can open the doors to discovery of novel genes, drugs, and regulatory networks. The effective design, implementation, and analysis of high-throughput research require fundamental quantitative skills. Taken together, the opportunity for new modes of discovery and development of associated quantitative skills make integration of high-throughput research into college biology curricula highly attractive. Yet, the high cost and technological demands of high-throughput discovery prohibit its use in most college laboratories. To address this need, this Research Coordination Network in Undergraduate Biology Education (RCN-UBE) seeks to improve student quantitative skills and participation in high-throughput discovery.  Researchers and teaching fellows in the network will learn about high-throughput technologies and work together to create novel case studies that will demystify high-throughput approaches and promote discovery science to reinforce cornerstone STEM concepts and quantitative skills in the college classroom.

The specific objectives of this network are to:

 Provide workshops, a virtual community, and online resources to foster high-throughput research and its integration into the classroom

 Connect researchers and educators to design and assess quantitative biology case studies based on high-throughput discovery research

 Create a diverse consortium of institutions committed to implementing these quantitative educational tools in biology courses and curricula across the country and world

Join the group!

Please feel free to submit a membership request, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  You'll need to be logged into your QUBESHub account to submit a membership request.  If you don't already have one, get a QUBESHub account here.

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While funding for the HITS Network ended in 2023, our members continue to develop case studies and resources!


The HITS Steering Committee

Dr. Carlos Goller, NCSU Biotechnology Program, Raleigh, NC. [PI; molecular biology education]

Dr. Sabrina Robertson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC. [Co-PI; molecular biology education]

Dr. Sam Donovan, University of Pittsburgh, PA. [QUBES and virtual mentoring]

Dr. Pat Marsteller, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. [Case study design]

Dr. Mark Melton, Saint Augustine’s University, Raleigh, NC. [Assessment & evaluation]

Dr. Elizabeth Ryder, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. [Undergraduate bioinformatics education]

Dr. Adriana San Miguel, NCSU, Raleigh, NC. [HT data acquisition expertise]


National Science Foundation Award 1730317.