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Hello Everyone,

I invite you to a Molecular CaseNet regrouping meeting.

Time and Date: 1p ET on May 21, 2024.


  1. Summary of activities with MCN's Cohort-3 - Shuchi
  2. Overview of recent publications from the group - Shuchi and Caleb
  3. A discussion about MCS implementation and assessment - MCN members
  4. Plans ahead - Shuchi

Zoom link: Please register to receive the zoom link

Since there is a lot to cover I think that the meeting may take 90 mins to 2 hrs, so please plan accordingly. In case you can not stay for the full meeting please still come and then watch the recording for parts that you could not attend.

In order to organize the MCS implementation and assessment discussions, I would really appreciate your completing the implementations survey by May 18, 2024. Thank you.

Have questions? Need more info? please write to me (



Hello Everyone,

I am writing to invite you a Molecular CaseNet regrouping meeting this month. Please complete the When2Meet survey to share your availability for the meeting.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  1. Summary of activities with MCN's Cohort-3 - Shuchi
  2. Overview of recent publications from the group - Shuchi and Caleb
  3. A discussion about implementation and assessment of MCSs - MCN members
  4. Plans ahead - Shuchi

In order to help plan the agenda item 3. please provide some basic information about your implementations in this survey so that we can plan the discussions. Have questions/thoughts that you would like to share, feel free to email me.

Looking forward to see you in the meeting.



Hello Everyone,

You may have already received the BIOME meeting announcement - happening virtually this summer. If you have not already registered please check out the application at

If you would like to present some molecular casenet related work at the meeting please get in touch with me to share your presentation ideas. Molecular CaseNet may be able to cover your registration fee for presenting casenet related work in the meeting.

Hope you consider joining in this meeting.



Hello Everyone,

Hope you are doing well. I am sharing with you 3 different opportunities for the Month of March 2024.

  • Writing Workshops: Molecular CaseNet will be hosting molecular case study writing workshops on Tue and Wed afternoons (2-4p) through the month of March 2024. Learn more and register to participate.
  • An inclusive teaching and learning opportunity: Molecular CaseNet is hosting a presentation by Dr. Christin Monroe titled "Unveiling Molecular Beauty: A Sensory Journey". Join in to learn about designing curricula to overcome executive function (EF) challenges, techniques for teaching blind/ low vision (B/LV) students molecular "visual" concepts, and tools to test color pallets for accessibility for color vision diversity.

        When: 3pm ET on Fri March 8,  2024; Register here to receive the meeting link.

  • Apply for a travel award to attend Discover BMB 2024 and participate in the Active Learning Communities workshop hosted by BASIL, BioMolViz, CRISPR in the Classroom, Malate Dehydrogenase CURE community, and Molecular CaseNet. Details and registration.

Please review and register. Thanks.

Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year. Hope you are all doing well.

I am touching base to share with you that we had a busy Fall 2023 FMN and the  ~17 participants have developed some very interesting molecular case studies. These case studies will be piloted in the Spring 2024 FMN starting next week. Let me know if you would like to learn more about the case studies. I also take this opportunity to invite folks who were working on completing their case studies to do so and share them for piloting. Thanks.

Some announcements for February:

  • I will be presenting a Mol* webinar on Feb 13, 2024. Learn more about it and register for this free event. Hope to see you in the webinar.
  • Caleb Trujillo and I have been writing a paper developing a theoretical/conceptual framework for molecular case studies. After submitting the paper next week we hope to share these frameworks with you in the latter part of Feb. Stay tuned for more on this.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.



Hello Everyone,

There are a few events coming up next week that I wanted to share with you. Please review and respond as appropriate.

1. Oct 18 and 20 - Part 1 of Molecular CaseNet Writing workshop between 2-4p ET. The main objective of this session is to

  • identify a topic/context for writing a molecular case study,
  • decide on the research question(s),
  • identify the relevant 3D structures, and other data that will be relevant to the case study
  • find relevant literature to prepare students to participate in the case study - do they need to know about some concepts, background knowledge?
  • brainstorm how you will guide your students through the case study
  • find partners/collaborators for writing up the case study

Please complete this spreadsheet to let me know which session(s) you plan to attend (so I can send out zoom links etc. appropriately) and the topic of your case study (so we can find collaborators/partners to work together and/or review the cases as it is written up). You are welcome to attend one or both sessions, please include your name and information in the appropriate tabs of this spreadsheet.

2. Oct. 19, 2023 - ASBMB Webinar Teaching enzymology with the Protein Data Bank: from pandemic to Paxlovid

This will be presented by Dr. Stephen Burley (Director or RCSB PDB), Dr. Paul Craig (Senior Faculty at RIT), and me. Learn more and register if interested.

Looking forward to your participation in these events.



Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.

I am reaching out to invite you to the Fall 2023 Molecular CaseNet Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) focused on using and developing new Molecular Case Studies.

This fall I am planning to host 3 semi-structured molecular case study writing sessions. If you are still working on your molecular case study, please plan on joining in the writing sessions to complete your case study. If you have already written a molecular case study please join us to help/guide others who are beginning to work on their case study (Cohort -3  members).

Learn more about the FMN requirements and Schedule. The deadline for applying to participate in this FMN is Sep 4, 2023, I invite your to apply today (

Feel free to share this information with your colleagues, friends, and others in your network who may be interested. Have a specific questions, feel free to email me. Looking forward to your application and to seeing you in this FMN this fall. 



Dear All,

Happy Friday! Hope you are doing well.

I am writing to cancel today's biweekly meeting so that I get a chance to wrap up some of the work from last semester and get ready for summer. Hope you get a chance to wrap up and/or rest a bit after you wrap up your spring semester activities (teaching, mentoring, grading and more).

If you have not yet had a chance to reply, please email me ( to let me know if you would like to join fellow Molecular CaseNet members in the writing retreat starting on Monday (May 15 through May 18) between 1-4pm ET each day. You can get a stipend (of $250) for submitting the case study for publication (following piloting). Submission of a complete draft for piloting by Jun 1, 2023 gets you an additional stipend ($100) for your participation in the retreat.

Looking forward to your replies and to seeing you in the retreat next week.



Dear All,

I am writing to invite you to participate in a writing retreat on May 15 (Mon) to May18 (Thu), 2023. You can join in the zoom session and either work quietly on your own, collaborate with a friend or colleague, or get help on your case writing. Please email me (Shuchi, to confirm your participation.

When: May 15-18 1-4p ET

Zoom link for meetings

Meeting ID: 954 3322 0784

Password: 822099

Why should you join:

  • Accomplishment: This will help you complete the case study for your own use and for sharing with other educators to pilot in their classrooms
  • Money: You can get a stipend (of $250) for submitting the case study for publication (following piloting). Submission of a complete draft for piloting by Jun 1, 2023 gets you an additional stipend ($100) for your participation in the retreat.
  • Scholarship: You get authorship on the case study when it is published on the Molecular CaseNet. 

Please let me know how I can help you make the best use of your time in the retreat. Looking forward to your replies and to seeing you in the retreat.



Dear All,

Hope you are doing well. I am writing to remind you that the deadline for applying to attend the Biome Institute 2023 ( is today! If you wish to participate please apply - opt for the BioQuest Scholarship for reduced registration costs. If you decide to present Molecular CaseNet related work at the meeting Molecular CaseNet can cover the registration. Please contact me if you decide to submit an application.



Dear All,

A few members of Molecular CaseNet informed me that they have not received the Writing Retreat information so I am sending it out as an announcement.

This week and next week the Molecular CaseNet WRITING RETREAT to help people complete their case studies. Joins us brainstorm, discuss, learn about, write independently or collaboratively on the following Dates and times

Mar 7 (1-3p); Mar 8 (1-3p); Mar 9 (2-4p)

Mar 14 (1-3p); Mar 15 (1-3p); Mar 16 (2-4p)

Zoom link for meetings

Meeting ID: 929 9414 9314
Password: 527211

Every case that is completed and submitted for piloting by mid April 2023 (as a result of participation in the writing retreat) will receive a Stipend!

Please email me (Shuchi, to let me know which dates you would like to join us. If you have any specific topics/tools that you would like discussed in the sessions that you participate please let me know about that. This will help me plan each of the sessions accordingly.

Looking forward to your replies and hope to see many of you in one or more of these sessions.






Dear Educators,

Do you use (or would you like to use) biomolecular structures and data from public bioinformatics resources in your classroom? If so, you are invited to join in the QUBES FMN in Spring 2023 to pilot the Box of Lessons collection of learning materials and worksheets. Join the FMN to pilot two or more of these activities and provide feedback to improve them before they are published online. You will also have opportunities to identify concept inventories and participate in discussions to identify/develop questions to assess the impact of these materials on student learning.

Please check out details and Apply to join in the FMN at ( by Jan 2, 2023.

Have specific questions about the FMN? email them to us (Shuchi and Alex).

Looking forward to your applications and to your participation in the FMN next Spring.


Shuchi and Alex.

Dear Educator,

Do you use (or would you like to use) biomolecular structures and data from public bioinformatics resources in your classroom? Would you be interested in testing ready to use materials on these topics? If you are interested in participating please complete the interest form by October 28th, 2022. To learn more about this project read on ...

About the Box of Lessons:

A group of educators from Molecular CaseNet teamed up in Spring 2022 to develop a set of hands-on exercises and associated learning materials that empower educators to introduce students to or review the use of data and tools available from RCSB PDB and a number of related public bioinformatics resources. 

What is in the Box of Lessons?

The ‘Box of Lessons’ collection was designed and developed to allow you to engage students in learning about and exploring biological macromolecules in three dimensions using the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB), molecular visualization software, and additional bioinformatic resources.  The materials included in the ‘Box of Lessons’ resource are summarized below.

What are we looking for?

We are seeking post-secondary instructors (at community college, universities, and in trade schools) to review these activities and learning materials.  Educators should have experience teaching introductory level courses in biology, chemistry and related sub disciplines which cover biological macromolecules.

What are we requesting you to do?

Educators will be asked to commit approximately 3 hours to:

  1. Read and review 2 (or more) activities of their choosing.  

  2. Read and review the learning materials associated with their chosen activities. 

  3. Complete an online survey to provide feedback and suggestions for improving the learning materials and activities.

  4. Optional - if you have a chance to test any of the activities in your classroom we would really appreciate your feedback regarding your experience with your students.

 When do you review the materials?

  1. We will send you a link to the materials on Oct 31, 2022. 

  2. You can review these materials between November 1 and December 2nd, 2022 and provide your feedback on them.

Please complete the interest form by October 28th, 2022 to let us know that you are interested in participating.

Can’t commit to reviewing materials right now?  Keep an eye out for future communications, we will be soliciting educators to pilot test these lessons in their classrooms in early 2023.


Thank you in advance for your time and interest. 



Shuchismita Dutta.

(on behalf of members of Molecular CaseNet)

Dear All,

Hope you are all well and are settling into your Fall semester routine.

I am reaching out to you to welcome you to a new year with the Molecular CaseNet. Please review the calendar for our planned activities for this Fall. Here are a few highlights:

  1. Office hours - every Tue between 1-3pm ET (Sep 6, 2022 through Dec, 2022) (via Zoom)
  2. Welcoming Molecular CaseNet Cohort-2 - Fri Sep 23, 2022 noon-1pm ET
  3. Molecular CaseNet  Biweekly Meetings (every other Fri starting Sep 30, 2022 noon-1pm ET, through Dec, 2022)

The biweekly meetings will each feature the following

  • 30 mins of 2-3 people sharing their case writing status (10 mins each)
  • 15-25 mins of some professional development topic/discussion and/or case writing tips and tricks.
  • 5-15 mins of open discussion

Additional meetings will be planned as needed to discuss specific topics related to Molecular Casenet.

Stay tuned for more details.

