Resource Upload

One of the primary visions for this website is that it serves as a place to easily share and discover resources related to using and assessing citizen science-based activities in your classroom. The extent to which we are successful in that mission depends on you!

  • Have you created some learning activities, best practice tips, or assessments? Do you know of useful websites, projects, or organizations? Share your resource by uploading it to our Collections. Collections are simply ways of organizing resources into groups.
  • Have you used someone else's activity, but found a simple tweak that made it work better in your context? Post a comment on their resource, or start a discussion in the Forum.


What exactly is a "Resource"?

A USECitSci resource is really anything that might be useful to someone considering how to use citizen science in higher education. For example, a resource could be as simple as a web link (e.g. to a citizen science project, an already published paper, an assessment instrument, etc.), or it could be a document (e.g. a Word document of an exercise you used in class, or a fully worked up learning activity for educators complete with background, learning goals, and assessment).


Sharing a Resource

If you have an informal resource to share (a web link, a Word or pdf document), then add it to a Collection. You can watch a short video on how to do this HERE. Importantly, you will want to provide a useful description along with any keyword tags that will help others discover your resource.

If you have a more formal educator resource that you would like to be citable, then you might choose to Publish your resource on QUBES. In this case, you will provide a bit more information about your resource, including specifying a license, and it will actually receive a DOI. Read this article for instructions

Once your resource is published on QUBES, you can then add it directly to a Collection by going to the published resource page and clicking the 'Collect' button.


The more resources we are able to share with each other, the stronger our community will grow!