
Madison Meuler

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    Allen Institute
  • Website
  • Telephone
    (not set)
  • Address
    address1: 615 Westlake Ave N.
    city: Seattle
    postal: 98109
    region: WA
    country: US
  • Biography
    I currently work as the Education & Engagement Coordinator for the Allen Institute, a non-profit bioscience research center in Seattle, WA. The Allen Institute conducts basic science research in the fields of neuroscience, neural dynamics, cell science, and immunology, and practices open science by publicly sharing its data online. The Allen Institute Education Program aims to connect instructors and students with these open data sets by offering curricula, training resources, and collaborative support in order to provide students with the opportunity to analyze real, research-grade data in their biology classrooms.

    My own background is in both the fields of biology and education, having received my B.S. in Biology and M.Ed. in Science Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. I have previously worked in the lab of Elli J. Theobald at the University of Washington studying the absence of humanizing biology curricula within introductory biology textbooks.