First BEIC CourseSource Writing Studio

2021 BEIC CourseSource Writing StudioA huge thank you to all of the wonderful participants of the first Online BEIC CourseSource Writing Studio with Fellows in the Biology Education Intersegmental Collaborative (BEIC; BEIC is supported by a NSF RCN-UBE grant (BIO 1920315). In total 12 instructors from seven different institutions participated. Congratulations to all of the participants and for all of your hard work and dedication. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

The next Online CourseSource Writing Studio will take place in July in collaboration with the 2021 SABER conference, followed by another Online CourseSource Writing Studio in August focused on writing lessons for online classes. This coming fall, we will host semester-long Faculty Mentoring Networks focused on writing lesson articles (in collaboration with QUBES). Applications for Fall 2021 FMN participants will be open soon. If you are interested in applying, keep an eye out for announcements on the website (, on Twitter (, through the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) listserv, and other biology professional society listservs. 

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