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Entries for 2022

  1. Apply for the 2022 BIOME Institute! 

    Apply for the 2022 BIOME Institute! Summer session: July 18 - 29, 2022 (first week synchronous, second week asynchronous) Fall working groups: September 5 - November 18, 2022 BioQUEST is thrilled to announce the 2022 BIOME Institute, a fantastic virtual professional...

  2. Share your physics and astronomy teaching resources!

    We are excited to announce a new opportunity to share research-supported teaching resources for undergraduate physics and astronomy in a peer-reviewed journal. CourseSource Physics is a parallel publication along with the current CourseSource Biology journal, leveraging the online publishing...

  3. BioQUEST Webinar: An Introduction to CourseSource

    BioQUEST Webinar: An Introduction to CourseSource In this webinar, BioQUEST staff and CourseSource Managing Editor Erin Vinson will give a brief overview of CourseSource, a journal of evidence-based teaching resources for undergraduate biology and physics. We’ll give...