
Mark Melton

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    Saint Augustine's University
  • Employment Status
  • Website
  • Telephone
    (not set)
  • Reason
    Keeping current in subject matter
  • Address
    address1: 1315 Oakwood Ave
    city: Raleigh
    postal: 27610
    region: NC
    country: US
  • Biography
    Mark A. Melton, PhD - Biographical Overview Dr. Mark A. Melton is a professor of biology and currently serves as dean for the School of Sciences, Mathematics and Public Health at Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh, North Carolina. In that role, he has gained valuable insights regarding the landscape, culture and demands of management at the college and university level. He has served in a number of administrative capacities including Department Chair of Biological & Physical Sciences, Honors Program Director, and as Program Director for the NIH-MARC U*STAR Program, a federally funded student research training program. His leadership includes advancing the educational and research capacity at the school. He strives to be a positive ‘Change Agent’ as the university continues to forge ahead in its efforts to produce some of the best and brightest scholars. He was recently promoted from associate professor to professor. Dr. Melton has served as principal investigator and/or director of a number of grants secured from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), the Department of Education (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) totaling more than $10 million. Dr. Melton has served on many NIH and NSF grant proposal review panels for a variety of programs within each agency. In that capacity, he has gained experience and expertise in the management, assessment and evaluation of documentation required for major grants, annual reports, etc. These experiences and qualifications in the areas of proposal writing, proposal writing workshop presentations, service on panel review panels, successful grant writing, and grant implementation and evaluation led Dr. Melton to establish the Melton Consultants & Investments, L.L.C. Since its establishment in mid-2014, Melton Consultants & Investments, L.L.C. has served as External Evaluator on numerous funded projects for federal agencies including the National Science Foundation and the Department of Education. The evaluation team includes professors in STEM disciplines and in the social sciences that have extensive evaluation experience. The consultant team has served as external evaluator on grants totaling more than $30 million, collectively. Additionally, Dr. Melton has conducted workshops on competitive grant writing and the importance of external evaluation at academic institutions in the US and Antigua. Dr. Melton has authored papers in the areas of developmental biology, neurobiology (Alzheimer’s) and molecular developmental genetics. He is particularly fond of the book chapter he co-authored titled “Closing the Gap: An NSF-Funded Multi-Faceted Mentoring Approach to Reducing the Barriers to Academic Success for Underrepresented STEM Majors.” He recently secured a research grant from the NSF to conduct research in the field of gene regulation during development in Drosophila melanogaster in his newly established Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at SAU. Dr. Melton received his B.A. degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the M.S. degree in developmental biology from North Carolina A&T State University and the PhD in developmental neurophysiology from the University of Maryland at College Park. He also conducted postdoctoral research in molecular genetics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine. Dr. Melton is a member of the American Evaluators Association, Society for Neuroscience, Genetics Society of America, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Sigma Xi and Beta Kappa Chi.