Partners@QUBES Leadership Summit Logo with QUBES logo surrounded by circle of people figures holding hands

December 14, 2020


    Join via Zoom   

Zoom meeting number: 958 2166 5247


Partners@QUBES Bingo

Use a Partners@QUBES Bingo card to get the most out of the Summit.  Complete a BINGO for a free conference bag. Complete 2 or more BINGOs on the same sheet to get some extra swag in your bag. To claim your swag, fill out the form here and attach the copy or picture of your BINGO card.


Lightning Presentations and Posters

Lightning presentations and poster will be available on the Summit Resources page beginning Friday, December 11.  Presentations are also available to view through FlipGrid. To get the most out of the Summit, we recommend viewing the  presentations and posters before the Summit.  


Detailed Schedule

(All times as Eastern Standard)

1:30 - 1:45 PM - Introduction (15 min)

  • Welcome

  • Goal of the Summit

  • A few QUBES Announcements


1:45 - 2:10 PM - Breakout Rooms!!!! (25 min)


2:10 - 2:20 PM Breakout Room share/debrief (10 min)


2:20 - 2:25 Stretch Break (5 min)


2:25 - 2:45 PM Networking (20 min) 


2:45 - 3:10 PM Breakout Rooms!!!! (25 min)


3:10 - 3:20 PM Breakout Room share/debrief (10 min)


3:20 - 3:30 PM Conclusion (10 min)

  • Thank you

  • Invitation to collaborate

  • Invitation to BioQUEST

  • Invitation to SCORE