
Phil Brubaker

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    Optimal Designs Enterprise
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  • Biography
    My History ---------- I attended Oregon State U. and majored 3 years in Electrical Engineering. Switched to a Math major for my final years and graduated with a B.S. in Math (1967). (Math) modeling, simulation & optimization arenas are/were my main interest in industry. Developed several Apps for Engineers & Scientists. --- ~2015-Present Volunteer STEM Presenter for the 'Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP)' to Middle & High School classes through-out the USA; for more, visit . ~20 presentations on several topics as of 1/2022. Math Tutor for 'Hearts with a Mission' that provided shelter for kids 10 to 17 years old. The kid's parents where going thru difficult problems and thus needed help. I helped tutor the kids with their math problems. (Low self-esteem was the main problem for the kids.) Math tutor, OnLine, for 'Rogue Community College' (RCC) where I helped students with there math problems. After a lay-off in 1991, I started writing my math casebook,, showing how to solve most math problems. 30 years later the book is completed plus a website, 4 apps developed, and front-end for a compiler developed in order to show the new Calculus (level) computer language that makes solving math problems very easy. This language takes an 'automobile' level computer to a 'airplane' level computer. Design solution times drop by ~95%; i.e. what took 20 months is now done in less than 1 month and the solution is optimal. 1991-Present Optimal Designs Enterprise Owner/Consultant Main objective is to train Engineers & Scientists to solve their own math problems without real programming. Most modeling, simulation & optimization problems can be solved in a page or two with the aide of a calculus (level) language/compiler. Developed presentation slides & videos on several topics to aide ones understanding of these new concepts. 1986-91: Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. where I had different assignments. One assignment was analyzing, what is called Digital Signal Processing (DSP), a plume from a spacecraft to try and label it as a "Friend or Foe". If its a Friend no problem, but a Foe may require action to be taken or it may shoot you down. This job required understanding the Fourier Transform. (FFT algorithm was being used. I switched to 10+ other algorithms and partially solved the problem.) For more, see my SpectrumSolvers app... . One antenna design (ESP2) assignment was with a Team that saved Lockheed $10M, rec'd Presidential award. 1979-85: Memorex Corp. designing a "Matched Filter" for a 14" disc drive; created a Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE) App. This electrical filter was to make an isolated pulse more symmetric and slimmer. The more symmetrical and slimmer a pulse, would help minimize the "Pattern-Induced-BitShift" (PIB). Heavy math problem! (Main LaPlace transform equation took me 22 pages of hand written equations to derive the necessary equations. Oh, those little minus signs kept giving me trouble!) Received management training on how to save the 'ship' from sinking! 1974-79: Sales Support job at United Computer Service Co. where I taught S.F. Silicon Valley customers various software packages; e.g. PROSE language. The PROSE language helped several customers solve their math problems quickly. PROSE got its start (~1960) from NASA's Apollo Space program; for more, see the 'Hidden Figures' movie. It was the first Calculus (level) programming language in industry. 1967-68: Lockheed Aircraft Co., Skunk Works Dept., designing and building the SR-71 (Blackbird) aircraft. One assignment had me designing the pilot's suit. It was to be 1/4" thick consisting of 5 materials and required to drop the outside temperature from its high to 98 degrees next to the pilot's skin. A great math problem!