Idels, Lev. V. and Mei Wang. 2000. Harvesting Fisheries Management Strategies With Modified Effort Function. Int. J. Modelling, Identification and Control. Preprint.
See . Accessed 27 March 2023.
Abstract: In traditional harvesting model a fishing effort E is defined by the fishing intensity and does not address the inverse effect of fish abundance on the fishing effort. In this paper, based on a canonical differential equation model, we developed a new fishing effort model which relies on the density effect of fish population. This study concludes that a control parameter beta (the magnitude of the effect of the fish population size on the fishing effort function E), changes not only the rate at which the population goes to equilibrium, but also the equilibrium values. To examine systematically the consequences of different harvesting strategies, we used numerical simulations and qualitative analysis of five standard fishery strategies.
Keywords: differential equation, model, fish, population, overfishing, harvest, sustainability, equilibrium, population, harvesting management, strategies, fisheries, fishing effort,
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