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  1. SIMIODE Director's Blog - Fitting It All In

    Fitting it all in – Curriculum Crunch or Not! We recently re-examined the 3" by 5" feedback cards we collected from attendees at our JMM 2016 SIMIODE Open House and we share them and our thoughts with you. Under the theme "Issues to Overcome" we found the...

  2. SIMIODE Director's Blog - Let Go and Take Risks

    Let Go and Take Risks "Let go and take risks."  Advice we give our students on occasion, advice our parents suggested to us (sometimes in frustration and with anxiety), and advice we need to take ourselves. As professors we are always doing just that, "professing." This...

  3. SIMIODE Director's Blog - Biking into Trees

    Biking into Trees A few years back we got news from SIMIODE member, Tim Pennings. He  is the author of a way cool and famous, indeed iconic, article,  “Do dogs know calculus?” about his little dog Elvis which was published in the College Mathematics Journal in 2003 (34(3):...

  4. SIMIODE Director's Blog - Mindfulness at Work

    Mindfulness at Work In a helpful piece entitled "Achieving Mindfulness at Work, No Meditation Cushion Required," in the New York Times, Job Market section of 24 April 2016, Matthew E. May suggests that we can do just that and furthermore it will make us a better contributor at work and...

  5. SIMIODE Director's Blog - Asking Questions

    Asking Questions Under the story title, “The Power of ‘Why?’ and ‘What If?’” Warren Berger writes in The New York Times  on 2 July 2016 about the importance of asking questions. In talking to a senior manager, she told him, “They were smart,...

  6. SIMIODE Director's Blog - What's In Your Learning?

    What’s in your learning Years ago, close to our founding time of 2013 at our SIMIODE Staff Meeting held at SIMIODE World Headquarters (the dining room table at our home in Cornwall NY USA) I had shared with SIMIODE’s two technical directors, Leigh Noble and Mark Tourtellott, some...