2010. Hussein, Shaza. Predator-Prey Modeling. Undergraduate Journal of Mathematical Modeling: One + Two. 3(1): Article 20. . Accessed 27 March 2023.
Abstract. Predator-prey models are useful and often used in the environmental science field because they allow researchers to both observe the dynamics of animal populations and make predictions as to how they will develop over time. The objective of this project was to create five projections of animal populations based on a simple predator-prey model and explore the trends visible. Each case began with a set of initial conditions that produced different outcomes for the function of the population of rabbits and foxes over an 80 year time span. Using Euler's method, an Excel spreadsheet was developed to produce the values for the population of rabbits and foxes over the span of 80 years.
Keywords. Endangered Cats, Logistic Equation, Decreased Populations, population, differential equation, model
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