It is difficult to study the behavior of temperature in problems with interfaces analytically so numerical methods play an important role in solving these. The idea presented here can be used to solve a wide variety of models for non-homogenous inner structure models with partial differential equations.
The heat equation arises in various fields such as image processing, hyperthermia treatment, chemical reactions, etc. and it can be applied to the study of skin burns.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and plays an important role such as defense, sensory effects, and thermoregulation. Skin burns are one of the most devastating injuries encountered in a human's daily life.
These injuries usually result from heat, electricity, sunburn, radiation or chemicals. Skin tissue has a complicated multilayer structure namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous (see Figure 1) and the complex boundary and interfacial conditions raise the difficulty of solving the problem analytically. Each layer possesses different thermo-physical properties.
Using Numerical Methods we develop algorithms which enable a computer to find the solution of complicated problems.
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