B(ui)LDS: Biological, Universal, and Inclusive Learning in Data Science Community

and Inclusive Learning in Data Science


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Discussions in "BUILDing Community"
7953 "About us" by 4 Posts Last Post by
7963 Inclusive Design resources by 3 Posts Last Post by
8017 Special Session at NABT2019: Strategies for a More Inclusive Biology Classroom by 1 Posts Last Post by
8087 INCLUDES Webinar starting soon - EDSIN/BUILDS by 1 Posts Last Post by
8108 Interesting new projects in CS Education by 2 Posts Last Post by
8467 Webinar collab with iDigBio by 1 Posts Last Post by
8508 Exploring collaborations by 4 Posts Last Post by
8972 Inclusive Learning Design resource - The floe handbook by 6 Posts Last Post by