QUBES will have scheduled maintenance work beginning on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 4pm ET/1pm PT. The platform will operate normally for most of the day, except for an extended outage period lasting no more than 4 hours. All running tool sessions will expire during the maintenance window. Please plan accordingly and we do apologize for any inconvenience. close



THE IMPORTANCE OF GREEN SPACES & NATIVE PLANTS TO URBAN AVIFAUNA: A Lesson on how urban residential yards can support birds during their annual cycle

In this lesson students will learn about the impacts of urbanization, and the conservation challenges it poses to wildlife, in particular avifauna. Introductory ecology topics such as the theory of island biogeography and habitat fragmentation will be discussed, and the student will learn about the beneficial role of native plants in urban residential landscaping. A focal paper will be used to better explore these topics, and data from this observational study will be utilized to introduce generalized linear models in the R programming environment. The student should have some prior basic knowledge of introductory ecology concepts, introductory statistics and have R studio installed on their computer with a basic understanding of this programming language. Upon completion of this lesson, students will learn how urban residential yards contribute to the overall green space in urbanized areas and be used as a conservation strategy to mitigate habitat loss. In R, the student will learn how to conduct statistical analyses and determine if the species area relationship and distance effects of the theory of island biogeography predict bird richness in this study system.

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Lauren Chan onto ConsBio


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Profile picture of Lauren Chan

Lauren Chan